LangFang QinWei Network Technology Co., Ltd

Company Information

Business name: LangFang QinWei Network Technology Co., Ltd

Address: 8125, Zimaoqu Kechuang Base, Hangyidao, Langfang Linkong Jingji District, Daxing Jichangpian District, China Pilot Free Trade Zone

PostCode: 091000



公司名称: 廊坊沁唯网络科技有限公司

地址: 中国(河北)自由贸易试验区大兴机场片区廊坊临空经济区航谊道自贸区科创基地8125

邮编: 091000

Term Of Service

DNS Server: Customize the DNS server for the current device, you can use your own built DNS server to replace the computer's server.

DNS Relay: Enabling and disabling the DNS Relay switch determines whether DNS network requests are passed through a proxy server.

UDP Relay: Enabling and disabling the UDP Relay switch determines whether UDP Packet requests are passed through a proxy server.

Proxy Share: By toggling this button on and off, you can share the proxy server connected to the current device with other devices.

RTMP URL: Customizing the RTMP URL allows you to push screen content to platforms like Bilibili or YouTube.

Sign Baidu Cloud: To upload a video to Baidu Cloud or Google Drive

Sign Google Drive: To upload a video to Baidu Cloud or Google Drive

Our Apps

Z Proxy

  1. A high-quality iOS system proxy tool that supports various network protocols and allows user-level customization of protocols. It supports testing of various variants of HTTP protocols, video recording, and more.
  1. Support QUIC, HTTP3 Transport layer.
  1. Http Debug Tools add http2, http3, icmp protocol support;
  1. Video recording supports direct uploading to cloud storage services such as Baidu Cloud and Google Drive upon completion, as well as the option to save directly to local files. It also supports RTMP streaming directly to platforms like BiliBili and YouTube.
  1. It supports custom DNS settings and network sharing, etc.